Sunday, October 05, 2008

Would you like fries with that?

It's Southington Apple Harvest time again and that means only one thing - no, not delicious apple fritters from the Congregational Church booth, but rather SOUTHINGTON ROTARY FRENCH FRIES at the adjacent booth! Under the strict leadership of co-chairs John Salerno and Donnnnnn Reilly, this operation runs like a well-oiled machine. The veteran setup crew (John Kennedy, Rod Greaves, Dave Strosahl, Ron Klein, Chet Potrepka, Steve Parsons) need little supervision whether wrestling refrigerators/fryolators into place, hoisting the signage above the booth entrance or crafting just the right configuration for the lights.

Jim Williamson, Scott Garver, Dan Longo and Sue Symada prepare the fries using our secret Southington Rotary recipe.

Gary Salerno at the fryolator.

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