Friday, April 16, 2010

Chetnotes- meeting of 4/14/10...

Notes of Meeting of April 14, 2010- President Victoria Triano Presiding

Today's Rotary Guest:
Former Southington Rotarian George Costanzo-guest of Joe Erardi
Happy Birthday Harold Kane!
Raffle Winner:
Chet Potrepka Jr.
Happy Bucks:
Chet ($5 winning raffle, scholarship committee is meeting today to determine this year's recipients), Carol (brother, Calvanese Gala), Dennis ($2-Harold's birthday party last night, story buck), Art ($2-story buck, great to be here), George C (great to see old friends), Joe E. (7,000 of his friends are on vacation this week), Sue (just happy), Vickie (interviewed by Record-Journal on the youth services program), Harold ("I made it!")
 · Administrative Assistant's Day is next Wednesday. Don't forget to bring you're asst. to lunch
· Thank you note received from Girls State for the donation
· ARC of Southington Respite Program application received
· Southington Care Center's 20th anniversary party is Thursday, May 13th & Rotary is invited.
· Southington Education Association is 1 year old. In June they are giving out $ 25,000.00 in grants to children. A major grant was received from an anonymous donor & used to purchase & install a digitized audeo system in the Kennedy Middle School auditorium. This system will also help to start an audeotech program at Kennedy. Rotary's donation of $ 2,500.00 from Mardi Gras will be used to purchase & install a similar system at DePaolo Middle School.
Fines by Rich Drouin: (Maximum of $2.00 assessment decreed by President Vickie)
· Rich: Self fine: No Pen, No Pin
· Not wearing a Rotary Pin? -$ 1.00 Please
· Wearing your name badge ajar: $ 1.00
· How many members are in the Rotary Club of Southington? Kate & Carol pay (39)
· If you don't have 100% attendance since January 1st: Ante up!
· If you haven't filed your income tax return yet: ditto
Business Meeting:
Secretary's Report accepted as presented; Treasurer's Report- none; Membership: every Rotarian is responsible for seeking out new members & once in the club, to get them involved; Community Service: Scrabble tournament is April 28th;  Relay for Life is June 4-5th & Sue Smayda & Steve Whitaker are captains-help will be needed to decorate the tent! Fellowship: N.Y. Trip: 23 people have signed up & 40 are needed for the bus; Attendance: down last month-please try to make up missed meetings, either on-line or at a neighboring club; Golf tournament: Please work on getting golf 4-somes & Tee sponsors & turn in money as soon as possible. Major sponsors include Hospital of Central Connecticut & Thomson Financial Services. Major sponsorships are $ 2,500.00 each.; Gifts & Grants: Childrens Home in Cromwell, ARC Dinner & Golf tournament, Ct. Mental Health Association, Wheeler Clinic-committee had no recommendation.

Board of Directors & Club Committees: Brendan announced the following:
· Southington Rotary Trust- John Kennedy
· At Large: Dave Zoni, Sue Smayda
· Gifts & Grants: Ron Klein
· Fundraising: Rich Drouin
· Club Service: Cynthia Martel
· International Service: Art Blumer
· Vocational Service: Art Blumer
· Community Service: Gloria Brown
· Executive Treasurer: Dan Daigle
· Executive Secretary: Dolores Fanelli
· President: Brendan Goodrich
· President Elect: Linda Tipping
· Assistant Treasurer: Scott Garver
· Assistant Secretary: Ginny Roy
· Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms: Ginny Roy
· Past President: Vickie Triano
Southington Rotary Card Raffle Target Card: Queen of Diamonds; Dolores Fanelli picked the 7 of Clubs; The 50/50 jackpot now stands at ?

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